Blekhems Egendom is a rural company with operations in the green industries, forestry, and property management. In addition, we can offer opportunities for hunting and fishing.
Blekhem is located in northern Småland, about 15 km north of Västervik. The property covers approx. 4,000 ha in total, of which 2,700 ha are forest, 350 ha land, 700 ha other land and 700 ha water.
The property has existed since the 14th century and has been inherited since the 1770s. Part of the property is designated as Sweden's best-preserved goods industrial environment.
The corps-de-logie was built in the 1830s in the Empire style.

To rent
Blekhems Egendom has a number of permanent and holiday homes for rent.
Many are located next to lakes or the sea.
See available rental properties here
If interested, email hyra(at)blekhem.se
Blekhem's game-rich grounds offer hunting for moose, red deer, fallow deer, roe deer, wild boar and mouflon.
We offer a few driven hunts per year as well as stalking.
Blekhem is a member of the Wildlife Estates which only a few estates in Europe have qualified for by managing the game population in a sustainable way.
If interested, contact jakt(at)blekhem.se

Blekhems Egendom AB
593 95 Västervik
The estate office can be reached at
Phone +46 490-400 11
e-mail: woods(at)blekhem.se
The estate office's opening hours are
Mon, Wed, Thu 07:00-13:30
Interested in renting a home?
Mail at hyra(at)blekhem.se